Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 157

1. Additional Activity Insurance must be purchased for any activities not covered under Plan 1. Plan 1 Members Accident – The Basic Plan: Every registered member of the Girl Scouts of the USA is automatically covered under the basic Accident Insurance during normal supervised program activities lasting two consecutive nights or less (three nights when one of the nights is a federal holiday, like Memorial Day). Coverage begins when girls and adults are registered with the council. For more details, please refer to the Activity Accident Insurance – Basic Coverage brochure found in the fall packet or online at www.gswpa.org. Following are descriptions of the GSWPA additional activity insurance plans: Plan 2 – Participant Accident – Provides Accident Insurance for non-members attending any Girl Scouts events lasting two consecutive nights or less. Recruitment events, family events and programs held in conjunction with other organizations where Girl Scouts is the primary sponsor are examples of events requiring additional insurance coverage for the non-member attendees. Insurance costs related to recruitment events that have been approved by your membership manager are paid for by GSWPA. Plan 3E – Extended Event – Provides Accident & Sickness for members and non-members as participants during events lasting more than two overnights. After paying the first $130, GSWPA will not duplicate family health insurance payments. Day Camps do not require this plan as they do not have girls staying overnight but will need insurance for non-members. Plan 3P – Extended Event Primary – Provides Accident & Sickness for members and nonmembers as participants during events lasting more than two overnights. This is an alternative to Plan 3E if a first dollar or primary medical reimbursement coverage is desired. Plan 3P-I – International Extended Event – Combines primary Accident & Sickness insurance coverage with emergency travel assistance service as “safety-net” feature for international