SEPT. 21, 1932 - JAN. 5, 2020
Herbert T. Maguire, MD, 87-years-old, passed away
peacefully in his home on Jan. 5, 2020. He was born in
Concepcion, Chile on Sept. 21, 1932. He graduated from
the University of Chile in Santiago, Chile in 1957. He
pursued a residency in pediatrics and additional training
in pediatric nephrology and anesthesiology/critical care
medicine in Europe, South America and here in the US.
His extensive trainings in pediatrics and anesthesiology/
critical care medicine were all in very prestigious institutions, i.e.,
Calvo Mackena Hospital, Chile; St. Mary’s Hospital & The Hospital
for Sick Children, London, England; the Karolinska Sjukhuset,
Stockholm, Sweden; and the New York Hospital-Cornell University
Medical Center, New York; and the University of Louisville.
In 1972, he moved to Louisville to pursue training in anesthesiology
at UofL and stayed in our faculty. In addition to being head of
the Division of Pediatric Anesthesia at Kosair Children’s Hospital,
he was also Director of the Pediatric ICU. He finished his career at
Medical Anesthesia Associates at Audubon Hospital in 1997. He
traveled extensively with his wife of 54 years, Zonia Maguire, whom
he met in London when she worked as a multilingual secretary in
in the Swedish Consulate.
He enjoyed tremendously sailing, bicycling, skiing, barbecuing
on his Big Green Egg cooker and farming in Shelby County. He
much loved riding his motorcycle to Waddy, Kentucky where he
raised Norwegian Fjord horses and Dexter cattle. He worked closely
with the Amish community in Indiana, providing health care and
psychological/emotional encouragement.
Herbert was a loving husband, father, grandfather and a family
man. His youngest son, Ian Thomas tragically died at the age of 17
in 1988. His son, Stephen Maguire, MD, trained in plastic surgery
and is now practicing plastic and reconstructive surgery in Alexandria,
Louisiana. He has four grandchildren, and he much enjoyed
the company of his close friends.
In 1981 when I was appointed as Chair of the Department of
Anesthesiology at UofL, after two weeks on the job, the former Dean,
Donald Kmetz, MD, informed me that I was supposed to provide
anesthesia care to four hospitals in Louisville: the University Hospital,
the VA Medical Center, the Kosair Children’s Hospital and the
Highland Baptist Hospital. Obviously, I had a manpower shortage,
and I appealed to the anesthesia community – could anyone provide
assistance and additional coverage? Only one anesthesiologist
answered my query and that was Herbert T. Maguire, MD, who was
already an Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology
and the Department of Pediatrics. After working at Audubon, he
would proceed either to Kosair Children’s or University to help. He
always provided expert care and stayed and covered his rooms safely
and competently. He was well loved by his patients and their families
as well as medical students, interns and residents. His benevolent
generosity was shown by his refusal to accept a salary. I offered to
pay for his malpractice policy and he refused; he just had his policy
amended to include the other hospitals.
It was indeed a great privilege to have worked with this outstanding
clinician, educator, scientist, philanthropist, lover of nature and
animals, a happy farmer and a very dear friend and colleague who
will be greatly missed.
-Benjamin M. Rigor, MD
Dr. Maguire was a GLMS member for 45 years.
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