Volume 12 Issue 1 | Page 14






by Bethany Petty
The start of a new year always brings the same plaguing questions . What goals do you have for 2022 ? How are you going to achieve those goals ? What goal is the most important ? The list of overwhelming questions can continue if we allow it . While goals are important , the why behind those goals is so much more critical . Yet the question “ Why do I want to achieve ___?” is rarely contemplated .
After almost twelve years of consulting with dentists , I have found so many practice owners that are burned out and dissatisfied with life in general . They are tired of the daily rat race and have lost sight of the joy they used to have in running their practice . In conversing with these fatigued doctors , I discover that they have trouble pinpointing what is truly “ wrong ” in their practice . At times , all they can articulate is that the practice isn ’ t what they want it to be . These conversations always lead me back to purpose and motivation , or the “ why .” So many motivated and eager practice owners spend the first several years of practice ownership creating goal after goal . The world tells them to focus on growth , practice stability , and financial security . So , they make all decisions in tunnel-vision mode . These decisions often lead to a practice that fails to fit an image that they had in mind . In fact , the initial dream practice image becomes so blurry that they struggle to clarify what they originally wanted in their practice .
As another year begins anew , put the goal list down for a moment and think on the foundation of your goals . Refrain from only thinking on what you want to achieve and consider why you want to achieve it . Reflect in a deep and comprehensive way on the last year and get to the root of your purpose by asking yourself these questions :
When do I experience the most joy in my practice ? It could be that you have certain patients that simply light up your day . There may be specific procedures that are exhilarating . You might experience joy in the slower paced day that allows ample time to connect with patients in conversation .
When do I experience the most frustration or anxiety in my practice ? You might find your blood pressure rising when you have team members absent from work . There could be certain types of patients or procedures that bring stress . It could be that your anxiety rests on producing enough income to pay the bills .
What are tasks that weigh me down ? Can any of these be delegated to someone else ? Because many practice owners set up shop with one or two employees , they learn to keep tasks on their own plate . Several years into the practice , they find themselves with a very heavy load because they simply never passed off tasks to another .
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