volum de rezumate congres ARMP 2017 Volum rezumate 2 | Page 8

The 8th Romanian "Ian Donald” Course Al XII-lea Congres Națíonal de Medicină Perinatală arteriala studiati, la pacientele preeclamptice comparativ cu pacientele normotensive, aFlate in ultimul trimestru de sarcina. Concluzionand, conform datelor din literatura si a celor obtinute de cercetarea noastra, studiul vascular la pacientele preeclamptice pare a avea un rol semniFicativ in intelegerea, predictia si dispensarizarea postpartum a acestor paciente. S-a propus ipoteza conforma careia sarcina reprezinta un test de efort esuat. Pacientele care dezvolta preeclampsie evolueaza catre un sindrom metabolic de raspuns la stresul de sarcina, si astfel sunt mai susceptibile de a evolua catre sindrom metabolic si afectare cardiovasculara pe termen lung. Aceasta populatie ar putea beneFicia de pe urma identiFicarii precoce antepartum prin aprecierea dilatarii mediate de Flux si a rigiditatii arteriale care ar putea constitui un nou instrument de selectie al pacientelor aFlate la risc de a dezvolta patologie cardiovasculara. Cuvinte cheie: preeclampsie, rigiditate arteriala, disfunctie endoteliala, risc cardiovascular REPORTING OF GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE IN WOMENS’ HEALTH SERVICES – RESPONSE PROJECT Diana Dulf 1 , Alexandra Sidor 1 , Elena Bozdog 1 , Cătălin Baba 1 , Andreea Preda 2 , Alina Milaș 3 , Florin Stamatian 2,3 1 Babeș-Bolyai University, College of Political, Administrative, and Communication Sciences, Cluj- Napoca, Romania 2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu Hațieganu, 1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 3 IMOGEN Research Center, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Abstract G ender-based violence (GBV) may lead to health problems speciFic to women’s health such as unintended pregnancies, gynaecological problems, induced abortions and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. During pregnancies, women can experience miscarriage, stillbirth, pre-term delivery as a consequence of GBV, while babies can suffer low birth weight. In other to prevent and reduce the impact of GBV on women’s health, health care professionals should be equipped with the necessary tools. As health care professionals lack the skills to identify and report pregnant women experiencing abuse, this leads to high underreporting and missed opportunities to refer women to specialised gender violence services. As part of Project RESPONSE, a manual and a capacity building program was developed to fulFil this need, to support and equip medical teams working in obstetrics, gynaecology and sexual health clinics with tools to ask patients about GBV, respond, refer on if appropriate and record the disclosure in the patient record. At a later stage, the tools will be assessed using a mixed methods approach, in Five countries where the program is being implemented: Austria, France, Germany, Spain and Romania. Obstetrica și Ginecologia 3 27 - 30 Septembrie 2017