VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin September 17, 2017 | Page 2

September 17, 2017 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Views From The Pews 2 Did You Know? Abbie writes, “My family spent about 2 hours at the BBQ Cookoff. The crowds were very small. How did it do?” “Fairs of any kind tend to be a slow build. This was our second year, and I’m happy to report the crowds were bigger than we expected. The Cookoff is designed for families. So, we don't get a lot of teens and young adults from outside the parish. We expect the crowds will grow at least through the fifth year. We hoped our second year profit would be approximately $10,000. It’ll be awhile before we know the exact number, but I’m delighted to report our second year profit appears to be a little over $14,000. Our entire profit goes to St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish in Spring, Texas. St. Ignatius was flooded during Hurricane Harvey.” Ardley writes, “Do Second Collections for special needs like Houston hurricane victims affect our first collections?” “Yes, approximately half of what we get for special second collections seems to come out of first collection giving.” Several of you ask how much money our second collection for Houston Victims raised. Ashley put it this way, “How much money did we get for the Houston people? I hope it was a lot.” “We collected $11,497. I think that was impressive. That’s approximately four times our regular second collection. Coupled with our profit from the BBQ Cookoff, Visitation of Our Lady Parish will be sending approximately $25,000 to St. Ignatius in Spring, Texas. Thank you for your generosity!” Father Mike “God or the divine is mentioned at least once in the constitutions of every state in America.” Father Mike Substance Abuse Ministry Meeting The next SAM meeting will be held Tuesday, September 26th in the Church Meeting Room beginning at 7 p.m. The Substance Abuse Ministry (SAM) offers a safe, confidential place for people touched by addiction to share their personal experiences with others. SAM provides general educational information about addiction through professionals in this field and is open to people of all faiths. The ministry is open to both those afflicted with or affected by substance addiction. For more info contact Deacon Jerry Labadot at 495-5820. Eucharistic Adoration Cub Scouts will be selling popcorn after all Masses September 23rd & 24th. Christ suffer ed and died for Y OU. His love for you is unfathomable. It’s time to take time for Him. Visit Him during Eucharistic Adoration on Thursday, September 28th in the Day Chapel. Call the Pastoral Center at 347-2203 to be placed on the Adoration schedule. Drop ins are ALWAYS welcome!!