VOL Parish Weekly Bulletin August 16, 2015 | Page 2

August 16, 2015 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Views From The Pews Frances writes, “I loved your homily about Jesus becoming part of our bodies after we go to Communion but it scares me, actually quite a lot. Can you help me get over this?” “Your feelings refer to the Old Testament teaching that we should have fear of the Lord. I believe fear is actually a poor use of words. What we should have is AWE of the Lord. God is infinitely greater than we are, and that should cause us to feel somewhat overwhelmed by His greatness. However, at one and the same time, we should also feel immensely drawn to Him because He uses His sublime, infinite greatness to shower us with His love. We are His children and He loves us to pieces. Don’t fear God but, by all means, stand in AWE of Him.” Carl writes, “I heard your phone message asking us to bring food for the poor. How did we do?” “Bernia Jean Rhodes, who chairs our St. Vincent De Paul food bank, says our pantry is full to overflowing. Thank you!!” Glenda writes, “At the end of each Mass you say the Family Prayer but other priests do not. Is it up to the priest to decide?” “Archbishop Aymond has requested that all priests say the Family Prayer at the end of each weekend Mass. I have a vow of obedience. So, when the Archbishop makes a reasonable request, I comply.” 2 Did You Know? A worldwide survey of more than 45,000 adults says that the issue about which we are most concerned is Global Climate Change. Global Economic Instability and Isis are numbers two and three. I suspect Pope Francis is pleased. He just released, of course, an encyclical on our responsibility to take better care of the world God has entrusted to us. Father Mike Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? If you answered “Yes” then please read on... These classes are for adults interested in learning about the Catholic faith using the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA. These classes ar e for the un-baptized, those baptized in another Christian faith who wish to become Catholic, and for baptized Catholics who have not yet received the sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation. If you are interested in registering or need additional information, please call Fr. Daniel at 347-2203. Classes began last week, however, it is not too late to join. Father Mike Altar Flowers The flowers that beautify the altar this weekend were donated in memory of: Emma Ehret Please call the Pastoral Center at 3472203, if you would like to donate flowers to honor a loved one, in thanksgiving, or other remembrance. Altar Society Membership Drive The VOL Altar Society is having its annual membership drive this month. If you would like to renew your membership, or become a new member, please use the special envelopes placed in your pew. The next Altar Society Meeting will be Thursday, September 10th @ 9:30 in the Chapel. New members are welcome. Annual dues may be paid at the meeting. CCD starts Tuesday, September 1st All public school and non-Catholic private school students residing in or registered in VOL Parish should enroll in our CCD program to receive age-appropriate faith formation essential for spiritual growth and the reception of the sacraments. Information about the CCD program and new student registration forms can be found on the VOL website at www.vol.org. Returning student updated registration forms were mailed out. ***The deadline to register at the regular tuition rate has passed. All registrations taken at this time must pay the late fee in addition to the tuition rate.*** REMINDER: Registrations WILL NOT be accepted on the first night of CCD. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Jenny Doskey, Director of Religious Education