Vol 2, Issue 19 | Page 7

Returning back to our own magazine, with this issue on, we have started a very new practice, a practice of sharing our news space with the community of and the co-travellers of Dr.Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury. For now personalities like Shri Kapil Bajaj the independent journalist, Shri Rajesh Arya of Badhe Channel News Channel , Shri Yohan Tengra of Awaken India Movement, Shri Kamalpreet Singh of GoSatvik from Canada, have given their consent to have regular columns of them and their organization. We are requesting other like minded also to come together and enrich our magazine with regular content.

Not only that they will be providing content, they will also be guiding and advising us with their suggestions for improving the overall content and quality of the magazine.

Individuals have limited capacity and for strength we need to get united and become a collective. Enormous strength is needed when the enemy you are confronting so powerful and has all the resources of the world at his command.

Editors :

Prof. Ainapur Purushottam

Loretta Rodrigues