Vol 2, Issue 19 | Page 6

Why then the compulsion ?

Our government and infact the governments all over the world are compelling their people to get vaccinated compulsorily. For this they are putting all kinds of restrictions on our travel, on service, on business and even on visiting places of our worship.

Appears strange. A vaccine which is touted to be life saving, protecting us all from a deadly and contagious disease called Corona, has to be marketed so forcefully, so vigorously. Has to be so much publicized, in TV, in print media , even in each one of our collar tunes , and a celebrity like Amitabh Bachchan had to be hired for that.

So deadly that you can not even touch a Corona patient, so deadly that the dead body has only to be exumed and cannot even be handed over to the family members. So deadly that it cannot even be talked about in social media, your writings will be expunged, your social media accounts will be frozen, your mouth will be gagged. Google is continuously prowling so that there is nothing in your content that against corona and and it's manufacturers.

Have all the governments become puppets in the hands of Medical Industry, Medical Mafia. Have they all surrendered themselves to WHO, Bill Gates, Fauci and the like. People of their country become no concern to them that they are simply mortgaging them. Getting funds and winning elections is their only concern.

Freedom of nations remains simply a concept now. Is it really that no country is free now and they are all puppets in the hands of these powerful few?

A very serious matter which requires a very deep discussion and the people of whole world are involved or engulfed in it. The world here after will not be the same old world. A whole new history of the humankind will begin hereafter, a period of deep and un-heard of slavery hitherto.