Vol 2, Issue 19 | Page 13

Just see what happened during this Coronakaal. People became poor. People sold their houses, sold their gold, sold their scooters, vehicles, for getting their treatment done. Even after that what did they get? Many died. Many got into problems inspite of vaccines. But those who set right their food habits, in Ayurveda? I want to ask a question with you people, if an animal in the world falls sick then what does it do? It will leave the food for two to three days. Can our government and our medical system could not have said that in case if you get Dengue or Malaria or Chicken gunya, or Corona, do not parttake food for three days. Eat fruits and salads, you will get well. This is in the memory of all of us. But they spent millions and millions, destroyed industries, people lost their jobs. Just by leaving food for three days, may be cold, may be cough, may be fever , anything can be defeated. Even in case of temperature, science itself tells, Ayurveda tells, that medicine should not be taken. If you reduce the temperature by medicine, you will get T.B. That's what happened. Now the government brought out a new order, that this who got well from Corona, test them for T.B. T.B. had to happen because you cured them with paracetamol and Dolo.

I then want to tell just this that, if by Ayurveda, by Naturopathy, and by changing food habits, people can be cured, then all the people of the country should veer around this. And even the government should be helping. And the people from medical mafia who have been made to sit there on high positions should get displaced with Naturopaths and Ayurvedics. Otherwise, one another pandemic will come, yet again such a conspiracy will be played out, and the whole country will get destroyed once again.

Do not parttake food for three days. Eat fruits and salads, you will get well.