Vol 2, Issue 19 | Page 12

See, I want to tell this, Ayurveda had told this thousands of years ago, "Shuddho Deha Manasya .. Yatyasya jeevi vasatam" .. Make the body pure, set your food habits right, then No one can prevent you from living a happy life for hundred Years. Meaning disease will not show around you.

This is the method. Today we have given a gift to, kidney failure and liver dialysis patients. Dr.Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury and our entire team, together we have cured more than 100 patients and set them free from dialysis. You just need to put two or three bricks below the cot and you have to sit in this bath tub. Just what the demo you saw.

Following this method we have cured more than 100 patients in our hospital and in many cities of India. Our research paper on kidney reversal has also got published. Oznly after that we have launched this press conference.

Disease can be any, we just have to regulate our food, set our lifestyle right, maintain positive thoughts, then nobody can prevent you from defeating diseases. Become Your own Doctor.

About support from government..

Sir, so far we have not received any special support from the side of government. I want to appeal to the government, through your medium that let them do two things. That in the whole of country, whatever employees are there, may be they are Government officials or Insurance Companies, their treatment through Ayurveda be got done , freely. You take your card from the hospital, your treatment will be got done immediately and no one will put you any questions. But if someone comes from the Ayurveda, their Bills will not get passed. You then can make a request to the government on our behalf.

Just we have started our hospital now, we have started in the name of HIIMS in Chandigarh. Now even for doing NABH, we had to spend 7 months. We had to make so many rounds, go through many a files. They have made an Allopathic to doctor sit over there, to pass Ayurvedic files.

They don't believe in Ayurveda and this is the tragedy of our country. Inspite of being a country of Ayurveda we have to go around them. Expect them to help us but they do not come forward.

About Allopathic mafia ..

Certainly. The Allopathic mafia that is there, the health mafia that it is being called, medical mafia that it is being called, an organization like IMA, they do not want today that Naturopathy should advance, people should not recover by changing their food and drinking habits. People should become their own doctors. Because then their bills for lakhs of rupees cease to be.

They don't believe in Ayurveda and this is the tragedy of our country.