Voices Literary Magazine Edition 1 Voices Literary Magazine - Edition 2 | Page 8

Save The Whales! By Christopher Jones

Imagine that you are a baby humpback whale. You and your

mother are swimming freely in the ocean when suddenly,

you hear a boat's engine. Out of the blue, your mother has

been harpooned through the stomach and is mortally injured


You are left alone in an ocean tinted red with blood. This is

exactly what is happening to whales in many places around

the world. To save these whales, it is important to support

agencies that are against whaling! Stop whaling now!

Whales are beautiful and fun creatures. They are the largest

mammals in the world and it would be a shame for them to

become extinct. Whales are also in many aquariums and

shows; it would not be as exciting to just see dolphins

performing tricks. Secondly, although whaling is illegal,


law is not always enforced. Individuals and companies who

kill whales for their own purposes need to be severely

punished. Finally, people in the future should be able to see

whales in real life and not just in pictures. Children many

years from now may not know what a whale is if we do not

do something about whaling now. Whales are important to

me and should be important to everyone!

You may think that saving the whales is impossible, but, if

we enforce laws against whaling and donate money to

organizations (such as the Sea Sheppard), then many

whale’s lives will be saved. If you want to save the whales,

support anti-whaling organiztions. With your help, we can

save the whales!