Voice to the Voiceless Fortune Nwaiwu
Fear is like a visitor Standing in your front If you offer sit to her She ' ll sit , ask for food And by the time she lays In your bed of thought , She ruins you Like a promiscuous woman !
Not that heaven is too high to hear your hews Nor is God ’ s hand short to deliver you . As you long to know and experience the power Of the most High , I , your comforting voice is here To announce your liberation . ***
How Sweet Your Voice Sounds ! ( Spoken by the Widow )
Oh , how sweet your voice sounds ? How soothing it is Like a suiting balm Healing the unhealable bruises And wounds in the soul . I have heard about all your efforts To ensure I ’ m safe ! Your gospel message Do I hear as it echoes to this Island And I believe it , my most reverend .
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