Voice to the Voiceless Fortune Nwaiwu
42 | P a g e
And in the bottom line , I ' ll give you the rhythm you desire And you dance to forget all your woes For I ’ m in the same class with you . *** I ’ m Looking for a Perfect Man ( Spoken by the Widow )
Leave me alone For my soul is longing to see The perfect man who understands all my feelings . I don ’ t need a mere man to mar me more But a supernatural Numen to stand for me . You left wooing me Because of the story your mum told you . In your story , You castigated me Which was an assault . Now you ’ re coming to play my drums For we are in the same class ! I need a high class Man Who ’ s able to redeem my soul From the mires of this life . ***
I ’ m Here to Announce Your Liberation ( Spoken by the Voice )
Fear is like a tongue of fire , Though little but mighty Destroying the whole forest !