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Bonkolina: It didn't take long before I realized I could make things in IMVU and earn credits, rather than have to buy them! I started making more and more. I didn't expect creating to amount to anything more than something I did for fun. Over the years it has now evolved into a small and profitable business. No one was more surprised than I was by the success I've enjoyed while creating in IMVU.

VOR: Can you tell my readers what was your best product?

Bonkolina: My products are like my children, so I couldn't really say which one is best. They all have their qualities and their flaws. Each one represents something new I learned along the way, and over the years I've learned quite a lot, especially about 3D modeling. There is still much more to learn! While some products have been more successful than others, I'm not sure that sales necessarily mean those products were the best; it could be they were just more visible or popular.

VOR: What would you like to see done differently by IMVU?

Bonkolina: I would like to see the client evolve technically, particularly in the areas of the ability to create reflective surfaces without doubling/mirroring and the ability to make items transparent without the blending issues. I would like

to see them do a better job at protecting our content from theft. I would like to see a more thoughtful and fair response to minor TOS infractions, which has always seemed heavy-handed and unbalanced to me. That's just the short list.