Kali Korner



Since february is American Heart month we are going to talk about Heart Disease in this months issue.

What is Heart Disease?

Heart Disease is a broad term used to describe a range of diseases that fall under the umbrella of heart disease include diseases of your blood vessels, such as coronary artery disease, heart infections and heart rhythm problems (arrythmias) and also heart defects your born with.

The term "heart disease" is also interchangeable with or referred to as cardiovascualr disease.


Heart disease symptoms vary, depending on what type of heart disease you have.

Cardiovascular disease is caused by blocked vessels that prevent your heart, brain, or other parts of your body from recieving enough blood, they can include, chest pain shortness of breath, pain or weakness or cold vesssels in those parts of your body are narrowed.

These symptoms if worsened or not treated can cause you to have a heart attack, stroke, angina, or heart failure.

However with early detection it can be treated.

Now lets discuss the two most

common forms of heart disease:

heart arrhythmias:

fluttering in your chest a racing in

your heartbeat, chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, dizziness, fainting or near fainting (syncope).

Heart disease symptoms caused by heart defects

Serious congential heart defects or defects your born with usually become evident soon after birth. heart defect symptoms could include, pale gray or blue skin color, shortness of breath during feeding, swelling in the feet, legs.

Heart disease caused by cardiomyoppathy ( thick muscle tissue)

Cardiomyopathy is caused by thickening and stiffening of heart muscle. In early stages of cardiomyopathy, you may have no symptoms. As the condition worsens, symptoms include: breathlessness with exertion or even at rest.

swelling of the legs, ankles n feet



irregular heartbeats that feel rapid, pounding or fluttering.

dizziness, lightheadedness and fainting.

Causes of heart disease include a variety of things from smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, excessive alcohol or caffeine use, drug use,and stress.

Risk factors for heart disease are:

your age

family history


poor diet

high blood pressure



ysical inactivity

high stress levels

poor hygiene

Treatments and drugs for heart disease may vary among heart disease. The best way to treat it is by making lifestyle changes, but also medications, surgery or other medical procedures.

Life style changes include eating a low-fat and low sodium diet, getting at least 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week, quitting smoking, and limiting how much alcohol u drink.

Medications alone may not be enough, if lifestyle changes arent working to control your heart disease. these could include diuretics, angiotensin,-converting enzyme(ace inhibitors) or beta blockers, blood thinning medications, such as daily aspirin

therapy or cholesterol-lowering medications such as statins or fibrates.

If medications arent enough, its possible your doctor will recommend specific procedures or surgery to clear the blockages in your heart. The most important thing to remember is the lifestyle change when you have heart disease, excercise and your eating habits is key. Love and take care of your body, you only get one.

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Video Pick of the Month

Video Picks of the Month

Az One ~ All of My Heart ~

Young Rell aka Young Tower

~People All Across The World~