a look at polar bears and penguins, for example. Polar bears live in the North Pole( the Arctic), but not the Antarctic. Penguins live in the Antarctic, but not the Arctic. This pattern, the absence of one organism in an environment that would most likely be suitable for it, seems to point toward the origin of biodiversity. Darwin’ s theory is simple and completely sensible: if the organisms are unable to migrate to another habitat, no matter how suitable it would be, the geographic range is limited and the organisms would not be found at that habitat.
This will never happen.
Finally, research in the field of anatomy also provides evidence for evolution. Believe it or not, during embryonic development, every animal with a head has four small creases known as arches around the throat area. These arches eventually develop into different parts of the head. Clearly, the similarities seen at the embryonic age change in adulthood and as the organisms develop.
Therefore, the variations among the adults must occur at some point during development, signifying evolution.
In addition to evidence from embryology, evidence from what are known as vestigial structures also support evolution. Vestigial structures are ones that have no apparent function currently. However, these structures are evidence that the anatomy in animals have evolved, because the vestiges were once needed by our ancestors. Today, we always wonder what our appendixes are used for- appendicitis, or the inflammation of the appendix, is not uncommon these days, and the removal of the appendix does not have any effect on us. According to research, the appendix is a vestige of a structure needed to help with digestion when our ancestors ate a very different diet.
Lastly, homologous structures provide evidence that support evolution. Homologous structures are results of divergent evolution, the evolution of new species from an isolated population. Examples of homologous structures are the wing of a the bat, the lateral fin of the hale, and the human arm. Although the functions of these vary, the internal bone structures are the same, indicating that there was common ancestry from which these three different animals diverged from.
Hopefully, the above examples of evidence of evolution help convince you that the theories of evolution are indeed supportable. With the knowledge scientists have on evolution and the advancement in other science fields, more and more can be learned and fewer questions will remain unanswered.
32 VOGUE JUNE 2013