happened so randomly , that the world could be at the state it is purely by that “ mechanism ” you call natural selection . It is unquestionably some supreme , divine being responsible for the creation of the Universe . The Bible says God created Earth in six days , and rested on the seventh . The world therefore can ’ t be more than five or ten thousand years old ...
Christian Mackenzie Montgomery , AL
I just wanted to thank you for your article in the February issue about “ How to Look Hot in Any Outfit .” The advice in that article totally worked and I now look hot in any outfit . ( Not that I didn ’ t already , though ).
Katie House Miami , FL
I am a professor of Biology at Cornell University . I heard that you at Vogue were planning on attempting to explain some of the vital aspects of evolution to those with a perhaps minimal understanding of scientific processes . I am not writing to offend , I merely would like to aid you in your endeavor . I just wanted to be sure that you would mention rRNA and the significance it plays in understanding evolutionary relationships . Studying rRNA allows scientists to differentiate between species at the molecular level , as well as identify whether a prokaryotic organism belongs to the domain Archaea or Bacteria , which may sometimes be difficult to distinguish otherwise .
Spencer Little Ithaca , NY
I am a 27 year old girl and I just finished graduate school and I loved graduate school and just last month I got my hair cut and it was a boy cut and I had never gotten a boy cut before and I loved it and it ’ s so easy to take care of and I think it ’ s just totally chic ! I totally recommend it .
Alexis Firke New York , NY
As a geologist currently studying fossils , it would be my pleasure to introduce you to radiometric dating , one of the newer methods used to date rocks . Many are doubtful of the method , especially those who oppose evolution . However , radiometric dating is the result of more than a century ’ s worth of innovative research and in my opinion is one of the most well-supported accomplishments in modern science . Some atoms naturally decay into other atoms through the emission of energy subatomic particles – this means they are radioactive . Each radioactive atom has its own half-life , or the amount of time it takes for half of the same to decay . Through the comparison of the radioactivity of one material to the amount to its decay product , scientists can determine when the material was formed . It was radiometric dating that gave scientists the estimation that Earth is 4.6 billion years old .
David Hoppe Philadelphia , PA
11 VOGUE JUNE 2013