talking back letters from readers
Duis aute in voluptate velit esse
In your piece in the May 1996 issue entitled “ Wild Animals are In ” you describe the allure possessed by exotic beasts such as lions and tigers and bears and why patterns featuring such creatures are so desirable . I just wanted to point out that it is entirely possible for plants to have the same draw . Venus Fly Traps , for instance , I would say are just as frightening as tigers . I have a dress with a stinging nettle pattern on it that I believe is very fashionable . Also , I think it necessary to point out that were it not for plants , we wouldn ’ t be here . Plants perform photosynthesis , which allows them to capture energy from the sun , which in turn allows us as humans to capture energy from the plants or from the herbivores who eat the plants . Photosynthesis has been around longer than we have , and therefore , we shouldn ’ t disrespect the plants .
Sunflower Nameleep ( pictured above ) Drofgnillaw , PA
I ’ m a huge Vogue fan , but I am writing to warn you in advance that if you go through with an “ evolution ” themed issue , I will be highly disturbed , and I am sure I will not be the only one . Evolution simply does not exist . There is no way all this evolution stuff
10 VOGUE JUNE 2013