When I was considering what I wanted my main goal to be as Editor for VJCL , I felt that it was my responsibility to promote diversity and change in Classical spaces . This section of the Forum is a testament to that . I was lucky enough to learn Latin in an area that has done a lot of growth in accepting minorities and embracing different cultures , but many Classical spaces still have a lot of work to do to get rid of the white dominated narratives present in Latin courses .
In doing my research for this section , I stumbled upon an article titled “ New Cambridge Latin course reflects diversity of Roman World .” The latest edition to our beloved Cambridge Latin textbook includes “ women with greater prominence ,” told more of the stories of enslaved people , and explored multiculturism in a way that was never done before . I reached out to Caroline Bristow , the director of the Cambridge Schools Latin Project . Her interview gave me a lot of insight into the steps one must take to diversify Classics , and the journey we still have yet to complete .
For the Culture : Foreword
When I was considering what I wanted my main goal to be as Editor for VJCL , I felt that it was my responsibility to promote diversity and change in Classical spaces . This section of the Forum is a testament to that . I was lucky enough to learn Latin in an area that has done a lot of growth in accepting minorities and embracing different cultures , but many Classical spaces still have a lot of work to do to get rid of the white dominated narratives present in Latin courses .
In doing my research for this section , I stumbled upon an article titled “ New Cambridge Latin course reflects diversity of Roman World .” The latest edition to our beloved Cambridge Latin textbook includes “ women with greater prominence ,” told more of the stories of enslaved people , and explored multiculturism in a way that was never done before . I reached out to Caroline Bristow , the director of the Cambridge Schools Latin Project . Her interview gave me a lot of insight into the steps one must take to diversify Classics , and the journey we still have yet to complete .