Northern Virginia simply has more schools offering Latin because Northern Virginia is urbanizing at faster rates then Southern Virginia . There are only seven cities within Southern Virginia that even begin to match the level of development
that Northern cities have achieved . From my home in Norfolk if I drive 45 minutes in any direction I will most likely
hit rural , farm land and within these rural areas of Southern Virginia counties have only one high school , which usually does not offer Latin . Most Latin students are located within the seven cities and those cities simply do not have as many schools as their northern counterparts and due to lower budgets cannot fund Classical education the way some northern districts can .
For western Virginia this even more true since those counties are even less developed and mostly one public high school which does not have Latin , but there are schools that do and are active in the VJCL , to the best of their ability .
Latin students exist in southern Virginia and they even exist in western Virginia . To any southern or western VJCL members I challenge you to make yourself and your school seen within the VJCL . For any northern members I challenge you to seek schools outside of Northern Virginia for VJCL events and to engage with southern and western schools the same way that northern schools are engaged with . The VJCL is not perfect in its engagement of western and southern schools and the structure of the VJCL can inherently isolate southern and western delegates , but these schools are passionate about Latin and we all will have to make concessions to create a more accessible VJCL for our southern and western delegates .