Natalie Naylor
2019-2020 VJCL Editor
productivity rate: 30%
productivity rate: 80%
productivity rate: 22%
productivity rate: 45%
productivity rate: 10%
You're really going to strive with the greatest effort, Sagittarius! I'm not exactly sure what it is you're putting so much effort into, but hey, whatever floats your navis! Just try not to overdo it on the productivity: nobody wants to look like a try-hard, you know.
productivity rate: 100%
Things are looking up, Libra! With the beginning of this new month, let's hope you'll be able to keep that productivity at a nice 80%. Honestly, that would be pretty impressive, judging by the amount of things you have to juggle around as the scales anyway!
Things seem to be catching up to you, Cancer! All that time spent avoiding those assignments and projects has finally piled up a little too high! My advice: turn off Netflix, get off of your phone, and commit some of your time to good ol' Latin! (or whatever other schoolwork you have left)
Whats happening, Scorpio? Your usual productivity is going to be curbed in the coming month... but I can't put my finger on why! In any case, be sure to stay involved in all of your upcoming state and local JCL events... that should definitely do the trick and keep you up to date.
Oh, Virgo... it looks like you're going to be very distracted, very soon. By what, you may ask? Oh, it could be any number of things: friends, family, impending war with a rival Gallic tribe or ancient people. You know, the usual. Just do your best not to start anything too serious, okay?
Take a deep breath, Leo. The month of Ianus can be stressful for lots of people, what with all the new beginnings and endings of old things... but don't let that get the best of you! Keep your head up, continue to work hard, and (most importantly) do your best.