VJCL Forum Winter 2020 | Page 12







classical horoscopes

productivity rate: 60%

productivity rate: 75%

productivity rate: 4%

productivity rate: 55%

productivity rate: 17%

productivity rate: 90%

You're kind of killing it, Capricorn. It seems like you've been living with

the 2020 NJCL Convention theme in mind, and have no plans on slowing down. It seems like you'll still be averaging an A- on the productivity. Now that's a score even Virginia's own NJCL President Jocelyn Robertson would be proud of!

Alright, Taurus, I'm going to level with you. In the coming month, I wouldn't necessarily call you UNproductive, but you might have problems wrapping your work/projects up. Just be sure to turn everything in on time, okay? Oh, and don't forget to check for a backside to all your papers, too.

You're certainly getting there, Gemini. Procrastination can be a very slippery slope, my friend, and you don't want to fall down it this month. Don't worry too much, though. You'll still be getting stuff done and everything, just maybe not as fast as you'd like to (or should be, for that matter),

Get some rest, Pisces! Judging by your decrease in productivity from normal, I'd say someone's a little sleep-deprived! Maybe you think staying up and powering through all your work every night is the best way to get through it all. But, you'd be wrong, just wrong.

Hey, Aquarius, it's time to crack down! Your productivity isn't looking too hot in the near future, and with the new semester staring (along with 2020) that isn't going to be doing you any favors. You'll have plenty of time to watch Youtube or write epic poetry or whatever else you do later, but for now, don't let your life pass in silence!

Aries, Aries, Aries. What's going on, my friend? As tempting as it may seem, giving in to the temptations of

a laid-back and godlike lifestyle just isn't practical for a 21st-century Classics student. So please, for both of our sakes, stop running around like Apollo himself and get back to work!