VJCL Forum Spring 2020 | Page 5

Savvy Thompson

VJCL President

Jack Purple


Josh Liberman


Nikki Tosh

VJCL Secretary

Ethan Robertson

VJCL Parliamentarian

Natalie Naylor

VJCL Editor

Reva Hirave

VJCL Historian





Since our last meeting, I have been hard at work making the transition between the Winter and Spring seasons. After publishing the Winter edition of the Forum, as well as having the link added to the website and creating a PDF version, I also posted on our social media and began to spread the issue around. I have also begun to work on the Spring edition of the Forum, compiling and formatting this edition in the beginning draft stages. In addition to these things, I also attended TJ Certamen and I am planning on continuing work on the Spring Forum digitally going forward, hopeful that you all

will read it soon!

2019-2020 VJCL Editor,

Natalie Naylor

So far in the second part of my term as VJCL Parliamentarian, I've done a couple of things. I've changed the amendment that I introduced at the winter board meeting so that it better reflects the NJCL Constitution's perspective on how to deal with states-of-emergency at the Nominations Committee. I've also talked to other state parliamentarians concerning their convention cancellations and tried to assist them with some of the experience that I've had with running online elections. I've set up an online voting platform to utilize during the voting process on this amendment so as to ensure that the operation runs smoothly. I'm also working with Natalie on an article for the Forum about registering to run and the election process.


VJCL Parliamentarian,

Ethan Robertson

Since our last meeting, I have implemented our new photo collection strategy, creating a public folder that VJCLers can upload their photos to. I've also successfully replaced Photo of the Month with Photo of the Season and I've received four submissions for Winter Photo of the Season. I plan on announcing the winner as well as the deadline for Spring Photo of the Season within the next week. I've continued my work on the scrapbook, completely finishing the NJCL 2019 and Kickoff Certamen pages, and making progress on the State Convention and BASIS Certamen pages. I have also finished the exterior of the scrapbook itself. I judged Photo of the Season entries and will continue work on the scrapbook.


VJCL Historian,

Reva Hirave

Since the Winter Board meeting I have collected officer reports from everyone on the board, forwarding them to Natalie for this edition of the Forum. On the Secretary/Consul Remind, I sent out registration reminders for NJCL and promoted the Winter Forum. On a local level, I sent out links to the NJCL Convention scholarships, as well as promoting the sock drive and the Winter Forum as well. I recently wrote an article for this edition of the Forum as well, which compiles minute taking tips for new local secretaries and co-consuls. I've also shared some news of canceled state conventions with my fellow officers, as well as suggesting we use some of the ideas similar to online conventions where we would use art hashtags on Instagram to keep quarantined VJCLers engaged.


VJCL Secretary,

Nikki Tosh