1st Vice President Matt Smith
President Abigayle Cheney
Καιρετε ! Since our last council meeting I have attended multiple spirit meetings , made a couple Instagram posts , attended NJCL Convention , started work on VJCL Convention items , and attended the officer meeting last week . After our meeting , I worked with the rest of our board for National Convention to make sure the State succeeded . At National Convention I helped with spirit and had some fun along the way . Afterwards , I got sick and took a much needed break . I ’ m looking forward to these last couple months and can ’ t wait for the stress of Convention !
Salvete amici ! Since our last meeting in capacity as the omnipotent and observant VJCL President I have attended Nats , led fellowships , created the cover for this years Convention packet , met with the VJCL officers to work on projects and plan for this meeting , and talked to VJCL members about Convention and running for office . I have been preparing to pass on my office by drafting a president ' s google drive with resources in it for the future VJCL President . I also drove 200 miles to be here , a true service to the VJCL in my capacity as president .