VJCL Fall Forum 2023 | Page 6




Reesey Lai
Since our last board meeting I have attended officer meetings , uploaded the Spring Council Meeting minutes , and went to NJCL Convention at Emory university . At NJCL Convention I helped my fellow officers in addition to having the best time and taking minutes at VJCL fellowship each night . After Convention I finalized details for the Legamus ! And have the dates for October to share with you today . As my term is closing to an end I have started to compile information for a digital and physical Secretary Binder that I intend to give to my successor . I plan to work with my fellow officers to prepare for VJCL Convention and enjoy the last few months as your Secretary !

2nd Vice President Ash Bulmer

Salvete ! Since our last open meeting in the spring a lot has happened , but seeing as most of it centered around Nationals , I ' ll keep this short and sweet . Since we last saw each other in the spring , I ’ ve written new cheers , created fun props , and packed suitcases full of spirit supplies for the NJCL National Convention . I then attended Nationals at Emory university where my efforts were not for nothing , because after countless late night hours rehearsing at fellowship Virginia won 1st place for spirit and service in the large delegations , beating out our biggest competitor , Wisco . After Nationals , I have started the prepwork for State Convention , including the rough draft for the guide you will shortly covering all things spirit and service at State Convention . My goal for service this year is to help a local women ' s shelter through donations and help schools set up their own fund raisers to gain supplies that they will then bring to States , but more on that soon . Over the next few months , I plan to , with my fellow officers , work to create an amazing experience for the VJCL at my last State Convention , and hope to see you all there .