ollege health centers are beginning to serve a more crucial purpose on colllege campuses. They not only serve as a clinic for physical ailment, but they also serve as a place for those who need mental health support. Unfortunately, colleges are becoming more and more succumb to tragedies like shootings, bomb threats, and other situations that put other students in danger. Being said, the mental health of students is becoming very important to be aware of and taken care of.
To learn more about how a health center operates, I researched the health centers of Harvard, Yale, and Brown to see what some of the top colleges of America are up to!
Inside the health center at Yale University you will find that it is staffed by over 100 healthcare professionals who all specialize in different areas of health. The center is about five flours all which serve a different purpose for students.
Services offered includes vaccinations, mental health and counseling, student family coverage, sexual health (Ob/Gyn), primary care physician help, and same day care which we are all familiar with.Students are also given their own charts which they can always check on the Yale Health Center website. Student's who enroll at Yale are given a basic coverage package for free, which includes all these. services. They are doing a great job with their center.
16 Vitalize Magazine
Learning about health centers will help you better utilize the one on your campus!
By Thais Derjangocyan