“October 1973 started a very happy and contented way of life for my husband and myself. After reading a request for volunteers helping to care for disabled people we were eager to try. The journey from our small island can be hazardous; gales - no boats, fog - no planes, but our first venture went smoothly, being met at the station by a friendly staff member. I am sure butterflies started to flutter, but no cause for concern, the doors opened, a sea of faces, staff and guests made us feel at home and we became part of the team and routine. After many years volunteering, I can honestly say how fortunate I feel to have met such wonderful guests and volunteers, they have become true friends, the guests and I have a bond. The centres have become my second home. That was my husband’s wish for me - to keep going and enjoy.”
Pam Cocksedge MBE Vitalise volunteer since 1973