Vitalise 50th Volume One | Page 8

“Capturing what Vitalise means to me is one of the hardest things I’ve done, not because there aren’t enough words to describe how I feel but rather that to fully appreciate the feeling that being a part of the team gives you, it has to be experienced first hand. The sheer amount of kind-hearted, good-natured people that form the heart of Vitalise speaks volumes. Often, it is only when looking at something with open eyes and an open hear ][?H?[?\?X?X]HH?\?H?[H?Y??X?[?[??X]]H]\??X]Y?[???Y][??\??Y[?X?H??XX?[??H]?\????H][????H?[?H[[??[? ?][???[??]^?HZ[K??X?H]?\?[?X\?????X[?K?\?Z?H]\??]^H???[??]?[??YHH??[?]H????^H?[?X[ ?\?H^H^\?Y[??\?[?[??[\?[?HXZ?HHY??\?[??H?H[?H]\?\??HH??XZ??'B??\[?YH??H?][\?H??[?Y\???