Vital Link 90 Summer 2024 | Page 2

Together News

Contact Details
Through the Roof , Alpha House , Alpha Place , Garth Road , Morden , Surrey , SM4 4TQ
Phone : 01372 749955
Email : info @ throughtheroof . org
Web : www . throughtheroof . org
Our Vision
‘… is all people enjoying life together , mutually giving and receiving , as God intended ’
Our Mission
'… is transforming lives through Jesus with disabled people ’
Through the Roof Charitable Trust Ltd is a UK Registered Company number 04201510 with offices at Alpha House , Alpha Place , Garth Road , Morden , Surrey , SM4 4TQ . It is also a Registered Charity Number 1087788 .
Quotes are sometimes edited for clarity and length .
Vital Link is designed and printed by PDC Design & Print www . pdc-kingston . co . uk
Community is at the heart of Through the Roof – we love connecting people together to share experiences , so they feel part of the family . One way to create community is to connect by sharing news – so we ’ ve created an e-newsletter for our ‘ Together ’ activities , called ‘ Together News ’.
The first issue at a glance The first issue came out by email with information about our ' Community ' initiatives including ' Together on Holiday ’ at the fully accessible Calvert Trust in Exmoor , as well as dates for future ‘ Together in the Lounge ’ gatherings - our online coffee and chat hour which provides the opportunity to chill over a cuppa , catch up with old friends and make new ones , which we conclude with a short devotional thought .
In the newsletter , we also gave a reminder about ‘ Together at Home ’ - our online homegroup meetings ( held on the first and third Thursdays each month from 2-3 pm ), where again ' Community ' is a very central theme . The group is hosted by our wonderful volunteers Anne & Alex Paton , who would love to welcome you into the ' Together at Home ' community .
Lastly , we heard from people who joined with us at our latest ‘ Together on Retreat ’ session ( featured below ), prompting such comments as : “ Emily offers a unique way of wading through a big story and fine tuning it to help one access what Jesus has to say to each of us on a personal level .”
Retreat reflections What a blessing it was to join with disabled Christian author and speaker Emily Owen and others online for Emily ’ s retreats . We are discovering that , with our online events , we really do break down barriers , as they are an accessible way of meeting together ( even for people unable to leave home ) to share in times of reflection .
The retreat theme was ‘ Following Jesus ’. Emily shared some of
“ It was a really lovely time of reflection .”
her journey of following Jesus through her personal experience of disability , and encouraged everyone to consider aspects of Jesus ’ own journey and what we can learn from this in the context of our own lives .
Some of the comments from participants speak for themselves :
“ It was beautiful to hear what God had revealed to Emily to share with us . Listening to some of Emily ' s story and her journey of faith was impactful .”
“ Emily ’ s story was inspiring and I loved the ways she wove Jesus and biblical quotes along the way .”
Producing ‘ Together News ’ The PDF newsletter is produced by longstanding Through the Roof volunteer Karen Goodridge , who had been the editor of her own church ’ s newsletter for many years , together with staff member Jan Nicholson . We aim to make our PDFs accessible but please do send us feedback if you find any problems with them .
We look forward to producing future issues of ‘ Together News ’ which we plan to release two or three times a year . If you would like to sign up to receive it by email or have ideas for stories or content , please let us know on together @ throughtheroof . org
Join the ‘ Together ’ community As we ' ve mentioned , there are other opportunities to join in the community of our online fellowship – with our informal gatherings ‘ Together in the Lounge ’, and at the regular online home group ‘ Together at Home ’.
If you would like to know more , email together @ throughtheroof . org or ring 01372 749955 .
We know how important it is to be able to join with others – summed up by this feedback we received :
“ Please keep it all going – I do feel very blessed to have the fellowship of others in similar situations ." www . throughtheroof . org