Vital Link 90 Summer 2024

The Newsletter for Through the Roof

vital link

The Newsletter for Through the Roof

New hope and new horizons with Wheels in Nigeria

Trevor asks : ' Are we hungry for God ?'
News of Disability Awareness Sunday 2024
Luke 5 award for Parish Nurse
A Wheels wedding
Accessible formats available : large print , audio , Braille . Call 01372 749955 or email info @ throughtheroof . org
No : 90 SUMMER 2024
Horizons changed and new hope was kindled for many local disabled people in Lagos and in Delta State , Nigeria , when they were given mobility equipment by Through the Roof .
Tarela Aghanti , our local partner in Nigeria , led a Wheels for the World supported distribution to give the gift of freedom to disabled people who need a wheelchair or mobility aid but do not have access to one .
Through the Roof partnered with the charity Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation Nigeria ( OIFN ) whose therapists fitted local disabled people with the equipment , which had been refurbished in our UK Wheels for the World warehouse .
Over 200 mobility aids and 140 wheelchairs were distributed , along with 250 Bibles . Our UK team of therapists and techies were available online to support the remote distribution .
Many of the disabled people had never had a wheelchair before , or were using old or broken equipment . Here are just two stories of lives transformed by the mission .
Meet Adeola Adeola has Cerebral Palsy . His family realised he was physically disabled at 2 years old . He is now 8 years old . He can ’ t move on his own , or talk , and he can ’ t chew food – so he is totally dependent on his family ’ s care . For many years , his Mum , Blessing , has been unable to go out , as Adeola needs constant care .
Blessing could not afford a wheelchair , but now she has been given one through our Wheels for the World programme , as a gift from God ! She is so happy and grateful . With the wheelchair , it will be much easier for Adeola to move around and for Blessing to do her household chores .
Adeola has been given freedom – he can go out , meet people , see places and learn new things . His life horizons have expanded ! His Mum Blessing thanks God and the charities
that have provided the wheelchair – Through the Roof and our local partners OIFN . It has brought a huge smile to Adeola ’ s face !
Meet Janet Janet is a 17-year-old and was born with Cerebral Palsy . Her parents have been doing their best to support her and give her opportunities . She once attended Atunda Olu school ( a special school ) but her family had to move from the area . Since then , Janet has not been able to attend any school , because she does not have access to mainstream schools .
She is a bright child and her family say that she is always happy . They have supported her to feel better and have self-esteem . Janet and her family are so pleased to be given a new , balanced wheelchair from Through the Roof . Janet was so very glad to receive it ! Her parents were overjoyed :
“ I want to say thank you for giving Janet a very good wheelchair yesterday . A new start and a great improvement will begin from there … thank you so much . God bless you and uplift you all in Jesus ’ name . Amen .”
www . throughtheroof . org