Vital Link 82 Winter 2021 | Página 2

( Continued from page 1 )
Contact Details
Through the Roof , Alpha House , Alpha Place , Garth Road , Morden , Surrey , SM4 4TQ
Phone : 01372 749955
Email : info @ throughtheroof . org
Web : www . throughtheroof . org confessed having more hope in life . 38 people gave their lives to Jesus , and many are now calling to confirm their increased loved for God and the church .”
As Christine of the UK team wrote , “ I have previously been on four in-person trips with Wheels for the World but the experience of a SD was very different . It made me think of a surgeon doing key-hole surgery , working in a remote kind of way at arm ’ s length ! We had to do things this way due to Covid restrictions , as we were not able to travel . Two very positive outcomes are : firstly , no aeroplanes were used in flying out team members ! Secondly , it was empowering for the Kenyan team to be the ones actually doing the distribution .”
“ Some of the great joys of any distribution are the stories of ordinary people who have been helped through the provision of a wheelchair . Again and again we learned how a wheelchair would transform a life . Like in the case of Esther , a 75 year old amputee who told us ‘ I can now move around my homestead !’ meaning that she is not dependant on family and friends coming to her – she can now go out and visit . Another wheelchair recipient , Martin , 10 , with Spina Bifida , will be able to return to school and resume studying his favourite subject – mathematics . Since education in Kenya is key to a child ’ s future , this is an amazing gift .”
Some of the great joys of any distribution are the stories of ordinary people who have been helped through the provision of a wheelchair
Thank you for your support and prayer throughout this whole distribution . We ’ re currently working on wheelchair distributions and other international missions in 2022 , and you can find details of our current plans later in this issue . If you ’ re interested in financially supporting a life-changing Wheels for the World trip , please contact us on 01372 749955 or email info @ throughtheroof . org .
( With thanks to Pastor Davis and Christine Grew for their stories and contributions to this article ).

“ A Space Where I Can Serve ”

Our Vision
‘… is all people enjoying life together , mutually giving and receiving , as God intended ’
Our Mission
'… is transforming lives through Jesus with disabled people ’
Through the Roof Charitable Trust Ltd is a UK Registered Company number 04201510 with offices at Alpha House , Alpha Place , Garth Road , Morden , Surrey , SM4 4TQ . It is also a Registered Charity Number 1087788 .
Quotes are sometimes edited for clarity and length
Vital Link is designed and printed by PDC Design & Print www . pdc-kingston . co . uk
Katie , one of Through the Roof ’ s volunteers , told us : “ As a disabled person I have been blessed and challenged beyond anything I could have expected when I signed up ( with Through the Roof ) for my first mission trip . Thank you TTR for providing a space where I can serve .”
This is incredibly encouraging for us to hear , and we want more disabled people to experience it . However , many disabled people ’ s skills , gifts , experiences , insights and contributions get ignored and overlooked because of assumptions about what they can or can ’ t do . Unfortunately , this can extend to church life too .
Through the Roof encourages disabled people to use their skills and get involved as Roofbreakers , Wheels team-members , speakers , Trustees and more . In our office we have a poster with a verse from 1 Thessalonians 5:11 on it . It calls us to ‘ encourage one another and build each other up ’. We recognise this as an increasingly important theme and want to commit to being more pro-active and intentional about it from now on , particularly for those living with disability .
Katie continues , reflecting our own ethos :
Through the Roof encourages disabled people to use their skills and get involved
“ I believe strongly that Jesus has a plan and purpose for all people and that people with disabilities have unique insights and experiences that can bless and encourage ( and where appropriate ) challenge the church and bear testimony to the faithfulness of God .”
We definitely agree with Katie and are currently working on plans for Through the Roof to be a place where disabled people can discover their gifts and have opportunities to exercise them for the glory of God . Our Christmas Appeal letter this year is encouraging donations towards this new project . Please pray and consider using the enclosed / attached donation form to help make this happen .
www . throughtheroof . org