Vital Link 81 Summer 2021 | Page 5

An Eventful Time

We are pleased to announce a series of online events planned for the months ahead . We would love you to join us , and please spread the message and invite others too .
Saturday 16th October 2021 : An event for all Presentation by : Jonathan Bryan
Jonathan is the teenage author of highly-acclaimed book , ‘ Eye Can Write ’, which tells his powerful story of communicating through eye movements only . Jonathan , who has profound and multiple disabilities , will share how his life is fulfilled through faith , family and friends . He is a disability
Booking for Jonathan ’ s event will be open soon – look out for details on www . throughtheroof . org activist and founded ‘ Teach Us Too ’ - a charity advocating for all children to be taught literacy , regardless of their label . Find out more at www . eyecantalk . net and www . teachustoo . org . uk
Saturday 20th November 2021 : Encouraging Roofbreakers
Presentation by : Katherine-Alice Grasham – Disability Officer for the Diocese of Leeds
Saturday 22nd January 2022 : An event for Northern Ireland
Presentation by : Brian Gault MBE – author of ‘ Look , No Hands !’ – the compelling story of Brian , born with no arms , and his faith and strength to take a stand for those in need around the world .
Saturday 12th February 2022 : Details to follow ! Further details in your next Vital Link
All events are 10.30am – 12.00 midday and will take place over Zoom . Contact the TTR office if you would like to join us : info @ throughtheroof . org or 01372 749955 . Online booking will also be available via our website / social media before each event . These events are free to attend , but any donations to support them would be welcome .

Giving 125 %

If you ’ re a UK taxpayer , then TTR can claim an extra 25 % on any donations you make to our work — at no cost to you . If you pay tax in the UK , please make sure that we have your up-to-date details , by letting us know if you ’ ve changed address or tax status . Please contact us on info @ throughtheroof . org with any changes , or if you ’ d like to register a Gift Aid Declaration . Thank you !

Devotions in the Diary

We invite you to join us for a time of prayer together once a month via Zoom . Prayer is at the heart of all we do at Through the Roof . We are grateful for the many supporters who receive the prayer email each week and faithfully pray with us .
We would also like to provide a new opportunity for supporters to join us for a monthly time of joint prayer online . As a staff team , we gather on Zoom each Monday morning to start the week in prayer , and we would like to open this up to anyone who would like to join us on the first Monday of each month , 9.30 – 10.15am beginning Monday 6th September .
We do hope that you will want to join with us in this opportunity to hear a short devotion , learn more about the work , and share in a time of prayer together as we acknowledge our reliance on God and ask for His guidance and blessing on the work .
Join us for devotions on the first Monday of every month .
If you are interested in receiving the Zoom link , or would like more information , please contact the Through the Roof office : info @ throughtheroof . org or ring 01372 749955 . www . throughtheroof . org