Vital Link 81 Summer 2021 | Page 4

The pandemic has forced us to be innovative .

How Creative Are You ? What Are Your Gifts ?

By Dr . Mike Townsend , Chair of Trustees

The pandemic has forced us to be innovative .

What is the first thing we discover about God ? “ In the beginning God created …” ( Genesis 1 1 ).
Creativity is fundamental to God . It is also intrinsic to human nature because we are “ created in the image of God ” ( Genesis 1 27 .)
I was asked to be a keynote speaker at a conference of Christian artists . Me !? Actually , I am a sculptor . I loved clay modelling at school . The crafts teacher asked me to sculpt the head of Peter White , the well-known BBC broadcaster , during a Speech day event . I ran my cold clayey hands over Peter ’ s face . It worked . The visiting parents all exclaimed , “ that ’ s Peter White ”, and my piece was exhibited in Birmingham Museum for several years .
Creativity is part of our nature – how could you use yours ?
I reminded the Christian artists at the conference that creativity is part of God ’ s image in us . Jesus is the heart of creation .
“ Through Him all things were made ; without Him nothing was made that has been made .” ( John 1 1 ).
We all have the ability to be creative and use our gifts for Jesus , but many disabled people lack the opportunity to discover their gifts . We are often excluded from using what God has given to us in His worship and service .
Some years ago I ran a scheme for disabled people to enable them to discover and develop their Christian gifts . It was known as Christian Service Training . Each course lasted a year . A key theme was : “ The LORD has filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God , giving him great wisdom , intelligence , and skill in all kinds of crafts . He is able to create ...” ( Exodus 35 31 ). As a result , God ’ s Spirit has enabled a number of disabled people to serve God all over the world .
Perhaps you feel you can do very little . Gladys Major was an elderly blind and partially deaf Cornish lady . She told God she could do nothing . God told her that she could knit . Gladys knitted garments to raise funds for Torch Trust and Slavic Gospel Mission . Soon friends joined her . Others created a range of crafts items . She began a small market in St Ives selling the crafts . This developed into the St Ives Missionary Christmas Market . Thousands flocked to the stalls which filled the town . Massed Cornish choirs sang in the evenings . Thousands of pounds were raised by this lady , who thought she could do nothing .
As we look at God ’ s plans for Through the Roof , we are praying about expanding the opportunities for disabled people to enjoy serving God , and we pray that you will be part of this journey .

Thank You Ros

A massive thank you to Ros Dakin , our Training Resources Developer , who is retiring after seven and a half years working for Through the Roof . Ros has lent her talents to writing publications , guides , resources , and over a hundred blog posts for Through the Roof , and developed many of the resources we use now to help transform lives in churches in the UK and overseas . Amazing work ! CEO , Tim , said : “ Ros has been a vital team-member . Writing blogs , resources and content from a Biblical perspective of disability , plus her personal experience of living with a disabled family member has brought valuable new insights , understanding and challenge to people ’ s thinking . My own view of disability has been shaped by Ros ’ writing , and many others will have been blessed by her too .”
She and her husband Keith still plan to volunteer for TTR , and will be lending their time and skills to our ongoing retreats and ‘ Lounge ’ online meet-ups .
Thank you Ros ! www . throughtheroof . org www . throughtheroof . org