Vital Link 81 Summer 2021 | Page 2

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encourage ( and where appropriate ) challenge the church and bear testimony to the faithfulness of God ”.
People also highlighted some areas which could be strengthened . The biggest one concerned our profile and getting our message out , demonstrated by the following comment , “ Recognition of TTR in churches is still very low . We do our best to point people to you , but so often have to explain who you are first ”. Trustees and staff are considering this theme along with all the feedback as we develop further plans for the future .
Thank you to everyone who took part in our survey — you can read the report for yourself on our website . As you do , we ’ d encourage you to keep spreading the word about TTR ’ s work in your church or community . We ’ d love to expand the range of people we help , and with your help , we make a massive difference !
Contact Details
Through the Roof , Alpha House , Alpha Place , Garth Road , Morden , Surrey , SM4 4TQ
Phone : 01372 749955
Email : info @ throughtheroof . org
Web : www . throughtheroof . org

Wheels On Your TV

If you watched Songs of Praise on Sunday 18th July , you ’ d have caught a short piece about Wheels for the World , focussing on the work of our amazing volunteers at the Aldershot warehouse . We ’ re excited about this great opportunity to tell people across the UK about the life-changing work you support through Wheels . The TV crew filmed volunteers working to refurbish wheelchairs , and interviewed Shaun , our International Missions Manager , and a few other volunteers who ’ ve been on distributions . The episode should still be available on the BBC iPlayer
Thank you to the warehouse volunteers and team for representing Wheels for the BBC
when this issue comes out — give it a watch if you missed it , or recommend it to your friends to help them find out more about Wheels .

A Church That Goes The Extra Mile

Our Vision
‘… is all people enjoying life together , mutually giving and receiving , as God intended ’
Our Mission
'… is transforming lives through Jesus with disabled people ’
Through the Roof Charitable Trust Ltd is a UK Registered Company number 04201510 with offices at Alpha House , Alpha Place , Garth Road , Morden , Surrey , SM4 4TQ . It is also a Registered Charity Number 1087788 .
Quotes are sometimes edited for clarity and length
Vital Link is designed and printed by PDC Design & Print www . pdc-kingston . co . uk
Guildford Baptist Church is the latest recipient of Through the Roof ’ s ‘ Luke 5 Award ’ for disability inclusion . The nomination came from a disabled member of the church known as ‘ Laurie ’ who describes it as a ‘ fantastic church ’ and explains how he has personally been blessed by their support .
Laurie uses a wheelchair due to cerebral palsy and communicates through an augmentative communication device – but wants people to know that he is “ more than happy being in a wheelchair and I feel that God has made me like this and it is not wrong .”
Congratulations to Guildford Baptist Church
Guildford Baptist Church has not only included Laurie , but encouraged him to take an active role . He says , “ I am writing magazines , helping out with a special needs group , emailing prayers and talks of services and helping with social media .” As well as supporting him with his Christian beliefs , he also says “ They are helping me with my social life such as meeting new people on Zoom to allow me to have better communication skills and friendships .”
The church took the proactive step of asking Through the Roof for a Church Disability Awareness workshop ( currently delivered over Zoom ) and Laurie took part himself , sharing some of his own experiences . It was indicative of the ‘ heart ’ of the church that so many people attended the workshop to find out more about how they could each play their part .
You ’ ll find Guildford Baptist Church on Through the Roof ’ s online map of churches with a Roofbreaker . Have a look at GBC ’ s website ( www . guildfordbaptist . org ) – you ’ ll find a great section explaining all the accessible features of the church including automatic doors , a lift to all floors , accessible toilets ( one with a hoist and adjustable changing bench ), a loop system and BSL signers at most services . The church has certainly made the most of a recent building project to improve physical access . There ’ s also a new coffee house ministry ‘ Open Grounds Café ’ providing training and work experience for those with a mental health condition and / or learning disability . It ’ s definitely a church that goes the ‘ extra mile ’ to include disabled people .
www . throughtheroof . org