Vital Link 81 Summer 2021

The Newsletter for Through the Roof

vital link

The Newsletter for Through the Roof
Wheels on Your TV

God At Work In Through The Roof

A Church That Goes The Extra Mile
International Intentions
Get Away
No : No 60 : Summer 81 SUMMER 20142021
Your help is changing lives !
God is using Through the Roof to change people ’ s lives , and there ’ s even more we could be doing ! That is a summary of what you told us in our recent survey .
As we discern God ’ s plans for the future of TTR considering the challenges and new opportunities of the past year , we were delighted that 86 people completed a survey to tell us where they believe God is working through the charity and leading us for the next season . We gained diverse feedback from all corners of the charity , including prayer supporters , Vital Link readers , Roofbreakers , Wheels and DCF team-members , donors , staff and trustees , from teenagers to 70 +. Many who answered the questions have journeyed with us for many years while some had only just met us . UK and overseas partners also gave their input . “ As a disabled person I have been blessed and challenged beyond anything I could have expected ”
With such a wide response there were many different insights , plus some common themes emerged . The charity ’ s vision and mission were ‘ fully supported ’ by 97 % of respondents and our Christian distinctive was recognised as a key aspect of that . One typical comment was that “ it is very apparent that Through the Roof is a Christian charity and tries to be Jesus ’ hands , feet , voice ”.
People recognised God at work , saying , “ I am excited to see what God has done and continues to do through TTR ”. God seems to be using
Through the Roof as a vehicle for blessing and positive change in the lives of disabled people . One person explained that they have seen God at work , “ through many testimonies I ’ ve heard over the years from disabled people , which show how He is at work in their lives ”.
God is also positively influencing church life through us , e . g . “ I have been able to use TTR resources and my own experiences too - to help church groups view disability differently ”.
A major theme which was commented on widely , which we are committed to build on further , was of enabling disabled people , e . g . “ love how they encourage the gifts of people with disabilities . TTR does try to put its own message into practice and set a good example for others to follow .”
This theme was strongly articulated by disabled people themselves , demonstrated by the following two quotes …
“ As a disabled person myself I have been given many opportunities to be involved and I feel my contribution has been valued and appreciated . I have changed as a result of being involved and trust others ’ lives have been changed too ”.
“ As a disabled person I have been blessed and challenged beyond anything I could have expected when I signed up for my first mission trip . Thank you TTR for providing a space where I can serve . I believe strongly that Jesus has a plan and purpose for all people and that people with disabilities have unique insights and experiences that can bless and
( Continued on page 2 )
www . throughtheroof . org