Vital Link 80 Spring 2021 | Page 8

Help Us Spread The Message

Our new website content to support individuals and churches

Sometimes , for various reasons , disabled people feel excluded from Christian life . Often churches are not aware of the barriers that exist . Individuals may not know who to approach and churches may not know how to respond . The truth is that we belong to one another through Jesus . Our new Church Inclusion website content aims to help with these issues – helping churches to be more aware and inclusive , helping individuals to know what they can do to help , and helping disabled people to find the support they need .
Here ’ s an outline of what you will find . There is something for everyone who believes that disabled people should be fully included in Christian life .
Take a look yourself and spread the message far and wide ! We can all help to make a difference .
Church Inclusion
Can you add your church to our map ?
• Roofbreakers – how you as an individual can help disabled people in your church to be fully included , and how Through the Roof can support you with this .
• Churches and Ministries – how your church or ministry can include disabled people , including a new Church Disability Toolkit and information on available training .
• Find a Church / Ministry – a map of churches and ministries that are positive about disability inclusion and have a Roofbreaker / disability contact person . If your church isn ’ t on the map yet , please ask them to join ! It gives a positive message and helps disabled people know there is someone they can talk to about any concerns .
• Celebrate Inclusion – Good news stories encourage everyone ! The Luke 5 Award celebrates life-changing Christian disability inclusion , and we also have video stories with disabled Christians sharing their experiences .
• Pastoral Support – One-to-one pastoral support for disabled people , a chance to have contact with others , and the opportunity to send prayer requests and pray for others .
Explore the new content at www . throughtheroof . org / forchurches there ’ s something for everyone !

The Future of TTR

Through the Roof is often referred to as ‘ one big family ’. Whether you are a prayer supporter , staff-member , volunteer , Trustee , Roofbreaker , mission team-member , donor , fundraiser or Vital Link reader , you are a part of what we do , as co-labourers with God in growing His Kingdom . We would really value your input to the charity ’ s plans for the next few years . We are experiencing growth , change , and new opportunities and we would love to hear your perspective . Where have you seen God working through the charity ? What are the vision and values we should hold on to , and what aspects of the work are coming to the end of their season ? Where do you discern God is leading TTR ?
Each of us will have different thoughts and feelings about the future , but if together we commit to listen to God ’ s voice we ’ re confident that we will find common threads that He is wanting to knit together . We want to see more of His children experiencing a life of Faith , Friendship and Freedom , all for His glory . We have a series of questions – for you to respond to as much or as little as you want . You can get your copy by emailing : info @ throughtheroof . org , phoning us on 01372 749955 , or visiting www . throughtheroof . org and looking for our ‘ Future of TTR ’ survey .
www . throughtheroof . org