Vital Link 80 Spring 2021 | Page 7

Sharing Skills

Our international work is growing , with a new stream looking to support our in-country partners with developing skills among local disabled people so that they can learn and generate an income to provide for themselves and their families .
We are currently exploring options and the hope is that we could work with partners to provide tools and enable training in such things as bicycle / wheelchair repairs , sewing and tailoring , plumbing , IT and Electrician skills etc . We are pleased that volunteer Wheels team member , Dave Camp is coordinating this programme for us . Dave writes , ‘ On my Wheels trip to Kumi , Uganda , a year ago , I and a few other team members visited a disabled lady called Josephine . She lives in a rural location and had come to the distribution to get a wheelchair a few days before . We watched her as she sat on the ground making clothes with a sewing machine that had been given to her previously . We can make a big difference and give people an income and dignity and I saw the potential impact that this programme could have ’.
The Covid-19 pandemic has delayed the project but we ’ re confident we can make progress soon . In addition , Bibles will be obtained and given out to trainees , and there is the possibility we can match them up with a growing band of international Roofbreakers in Africa who can
Dave working to fit a wheelchair disciple them on their journey .
‘ We are hoping and praying that lives will be transformed , not only economically , but also that the value of a disabled person will be recognised in their communities and that the name of Jesus will be made known and people commit their lives to Him .’
Watch our website , Facebook page and future Vital Link newsletters for ways you can contribute to this project .

Channels Of Belonging

The Chair of Through the Roof , Mike Townsend , coined the phrase ‘ Channels of Belonging ’ during the first lockdown . It seems an excellent way to describe the new opportunities we are developing for disabled people , and their friends and family to connect in different ways for joy , friendship , and Christian input . We are already offering personal prayer and pastoral support by phone and are now providing more online retreats and small

Tribute To Michael Mwanikha

We were very shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of Michael Mwanikha before Christmas . Michael was a very popular Kenyan volunteer who often joined our Wheels ’ teams whenever we were in East Africa . He had a passion for children and vulnerable people in the community and used his puppet ministry to engage with young and old . He was a good friend to many and filled people ’ s lives with his smile , encouragement , joy and grace . We were honoured that our Partner Davis Gatua could represent Through the Roof by visiting Michael ’ s family to share words of comfort and encouragement after his death . Michael leaves behind his wife , Irene , and 5 young children .
group opportunities such as our ‘ coffee mornings / afternoon tea ’ for chat and a short Biblical thought for the day . We are not aiming to replace the role of the local church but offer something for people that need some extra support .
Check our Facebook page for details of forthcoming activities .
Michael entertaining and teaching on a Wheels trip