Vital Link 80 Spring 2021 | Page 5

Life-Transforming Disability Inclusion

Great stories from our Luke 5 Awards

Wow — when disabled people are included in Christian life what a life-transforming difference it makes ! We ’ re celebrating two ‘ Luke 5 Awards ’ for Christian disability inclusion and hear the stories behind the awards …
Congratulations to Ingatestone Elim Church , one of our first ‘ Luke 5 Award ’ recipients . Sheri Cavill is registered blind and attends Ingatestone Elim Church , where she says “ Our Pastor and eldership team are fully accepting of disabled people and willing to make adjustments .” Sheri says “ I receive large print materials , I am encouraged to be myself and help to lead services in a local care home . I play drums in one of our two worship groups . I give words of encouragement , dance and our building is fully accessible . Accessible website in progress .”
Sheri says that this positive attitude of the church gives her ‘ the space to be myself ’, to glorify God and to know too that other disabled brothers and sisters are welcome in the church .
A Luke 5 Award has also been awarded to The Journey Community , a ministry led by Rev Cath Hollywell in Derbyshire . Sarah Johnson made this nomination due to the transformation it has brought to her life .
Sarah says , “ I feel alive ! Valued for the disabled person I am , in an embracing and encouraging way ”
“ They have accepted me for me ( without the ‘ what ’ s wrong with you ’ conversation !)”
Sarah says , “ I ’ ve struggled to find a worship space that didn ’ t try to just make me fit into an ableist world view .” However , she says about the Journey Community : “ They have accepted me for me ( without the ‘ what ’ s wrong with you ’ conversation !)”
“ The work on Zoom is amazing , even when the group has met and I wasn ’ t able to be physically present they zoomed me in ! They have met outside to ensure
Sheri Cavill presents the Luke 5 award to Pastor Lee Carmichael
accessible comfort , meaning I could attend on my scooter . They have encouraged me to be open about some of the struggles of living my disabled life ; meaning that I ’ ve turned up on-line in PJs and in excruciating pain in bed but been present at morning prayer ; something I desperately wanted to attend as it brings me comfort . They have encouraged me to use my gifts , attend training , develop prayer resources ; to dare to look at possibilities .”
When asked what difference this has made , Sarah says : “ I feel alive ! Valued for the disabled person I am , in an embracing and encouraging way ”
“ At last I feel that I am in a space where I can grow as the person God made , in a way that is appropriate to my limitations but not in a way where I ’ m made to feel less . I ’ m so grateful for all Cath and the other community members have done and I honestly believe they deserve this award .”
“ At last I feel that I am in a space where I can grow as the person God made ”
If you have experience of living with disability and would like to recognise how your church / ministry or an individual has enabled inclusion for you , please contact Through the Roof or fill in the Luke 5 Award nomination form online : www . throughtheroof . org / luke . Do follow us on Facebook by searching for ‘ TTRChangeslives ’ on there to celebrate the awards with us .
www . throughtheroof . org