Vital Link 80 Spring 2021 | Page 4

As I write , it is Holocaust Memorial day . Edith , my wife , lost many family members to this mass slaughter . Her mother escaped as a teenager and found welcome and hope with a Christian family .

“ Life Is Sacred ”

By Dr . Mike Townsend , Chair of Trustees

As I write , it is Holocaust Memorial day . Edith , my wife , lost many family members to this mass slaughter . Her mother escaped as a teenager and found welcome and hope with a Christian family .

The Berlin Holocaust Memorial
We mourn the millions of Jews lost . Did you know that 250,000 disabled people were also killed in the murder factories of the death camps ? Eugenics is the concept that the population can be improved by the elimination of less able members or people of inferior race . Disabled people were destroyed along with Jews as contaminants of the German master race .
I was grieved to learn this from the BBC television programme ‘ Silence , the Hidden Story of Disabled Britain ’. ‘ Silence ’ went on to show how workhouses were places for disabled people to be dumped , and excluded from society . Disabled people were sterilised to prevent the spread of their disabilities ! Are you horrified ? It couldn ’ t happen today ! Or could it ?
Lord Sumption , a former supreme court judge , was on BBC 1 ’ s ‘ Big Questions ’. He told Deborah James , who has advanced ovarian cancer , that her life was less valuable than those of young people .
Deborah James responded , “ Life is sacred and I don ’ t think we should make these judgement calls ”.
Do you feel that you are of personal value ? Jesus highlighted this part of God ’ s law : “ love your neighbour as yourself ” ( Luke 10 27 ). If we don ’ t have self worth , then we won ’ t have much love to offer to our neighbours . Jesus underlines how valuable we are to God . “ Don ’ t be afraid of those who want to kill you . They can only kill your body ; they cannot touch your soul . Fear only God . ... Not even a sparrow , worth only half a penny , can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it .” ( Matthew 10 28-29 ).
Jesus always makes it personal . We belong to him and that gives us immense value . “ My sheep recognize my voice ; I know them , and they follow me . I give them eternal life , and they will never perish . No one will snatch them away from me .” John 10 27-28 .
Jesus values us .

Celebrating 25 Years

Next year will be the 25th Anniversary of Through the Roof . It hardly seems like any time at all since we celebrated our 20th birthday . During that year we made a new DVD to profile the work ; and distributed party packs for supporters to promote the charity and raise funds . It culminated in 200 of us gathering for a special service of thanksgiving at St George ’ s , Ashtead , which included the amazing balloon sculpture depicting the Through the Roof Bible story . Plans may be a little different this time but whatever we do let ’ s join together in praising God for all he has done and is doing through the charity . Sign up at info @ throughtheroof . org if you ’ re interested in receiving more information about our plans .
www . throughtheroof . org www . throughtheroof . org