Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E04 | Page 39

Megaphone 7th March 2018, Media Violence - 7 AM: Former CFTC chief says Republicans want to regulate market - 10 AM: Japan will severely punish the marketplaces - 10 AM: The SEC declares that marketplaces are potentially illegal - 11 AM: Binance Hack - 9 PM: The Fed takes measures against marketplaces - 10 PM: The Japanese financial regulator publishes „sanction no- tices” for 7 exchanges - 11 PM: Giancarlo of the CFTC: „American and foreign regulators team up against crypto” - 11:30 PM - Sale of $400M from MtGox Even the exchanges can no longer hide the manipulation ... OKEx’s official announcement, 30th March 2018 at 6:w30 am (Hong Kong time) : „Dear customers. A number of users have made unusual transac- tions to manipulate the price of the BTC Quarterly Contract, ma- king it significantly different from the BTC Index. Based on our team’s survey, a user has closed a large number of market-priced positions regardless of the cost, which has caused it to fall to an abnormally low level and we will disclose the transaction details in a subsequent notice.”