Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 47

In this wonderful modern world there is one single global industry, though, that is the exact opposite of nearly all other industries. It is called the in- surance industry. Whatever you buy from the insurance industry it will de- finitely not bring a smile of satisfac- tion to your face. Even under heavy duress that song about the wonderful world would be the last thing to spring to mind, especially so if your torturers forced you to stare at your car insuran- ce policy. Or any other insurance poli- cy for that matter. I n fact, shopping for any kind of insurance policy is a peculiar kind of duress in and by itself. When you exchange your money for some insu- rance product it is really much more about the misery of life than about any kind of positive emotion. When you part with your money to get a piece of paper called insurance po- licy you better forget about freedom of choice and just about everything else you take for granted when buying other things and services. In that sense the insurance world is not much different from the Chinese communist party at the time when it waged the cultural revolution under the leadership of chairman Mao – joy and fun should not be mixed with in- surers and hard-line communists. The key word of these two systems have al- ways been “MUST”. Megaphone