Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 46

Megaphone S urely, you do not have to buy anything to be struck from time to time by this fleeting fe- eling of how great it is to be alive. But buying something you can af- ford is, nevertheless, one of those pleasurable experiences when you can palpably enjoy your freedom of choice and the underlying sense of security of living in such a wonder- ful world. And whenever you buy something, be it a flight, a bottle of fine wine or a pair of stylish shoes, produced by some or other industry you will probably find it amazing how much thought, creativity and vision has been invested to grab your atten- tion and persuade you eventually to reach for your wallet. And when you do it, you do it with a big friendly smile because at this sweet juncture you exchange your hard earned money for something pretty and smart, lovingly conceived and put together by some wonderful people (whom you will never meet) in some distant corner of the planet. But who cares about the fact that you will never meet those people in China who made your mobile pho- ne or those guys who designed the jet engines holding you up 11.000 meters high in the sky while you are sipping a cup of coffee? In this wonderful world of modern commerce all those unknown people still firmly belong in the emotional realm of Louis Armstrong’s song and even if you do not know them you somehow still can “see friends shaking hands..... do you do, They’re really say- ing...... I love you.”