Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 21

Women in Blockchain Hi Michelle, can you please introduce your- self to the Visions of Blockchain readers? I am a mother of four, owner of a digital marketing company, entrepreneur and blockchain evangelist From when, why and how are you involved in the Blockchain Innovation?? I have been interested in blockchain since my intro- duction to bitcoin in 2012. I began as an evangelist on social media and began working for a crypto wal- let company in 2014. I now work full time for a martech company, focused on ending data exploitation and utilizing blockchain technology. In your opinion, how are Women considered in the Block- chain Industry and Community? Do you think that it’s a sexist industry? My experience hasn’t been that the blockchain community is sexist so much as there is a shortage of women who are actually interested and working in the community. I’ve seen much more interest and involvement by women in the last year, but I never felt uncomfortable or like I didn’t belong in this industry.