Visions of Blockchain Magazine S01E02 | Page 18

Women in Blockchain “I participate in the project of a new bank which is a blockchain bank. And now, we are organizing the bank, getting the license and preparing ourselves for an ICO. I think that women are very open to new tech- nologies and girls in IT are quite present, even if you don’t see them so much.My colleagues - former ban- kers - are currently just building this blockchain bank and they are very, very present.” But why the Blockchain technology when it comes to the development of a new bank: Blockchain is one of the safest technologies in the world and it is becoming something which will be extremely po- pular. More and more disruptive! By the way, blockchain will be used in the energy sector, will be used in banking, will be used all over and specifi- cally as one of the better cyber security topics. “ We don’t have to discuss if it’s ethical or not because it’s is just technology. And, as I told you one of the safest tech- nologies. However, many people and many politicians are discus- sing about cryptocurrencies: “Is it ethical?” or “Is it a spam?”. But this is not the subject as far as it comes Block- chain, this is one of the most modern and safest techno- logy in the world. ”