Vision Zero Action Plan - 2017 | Page 36

Focusing our efforts on priority intersections and corridors will help us get to zero . The action items set forth in this plan are organized around four desired outcomes outlined below .
Create Safe Streets for All
People will make mistakes on our streets and sidewalks , but those mistakes should not be fatal . Smarter roadway designs reduce the likelihood of severe traffic collisions by improving visibility , separating traffic flows , and managing safe speeds . Evidencebased engineering projects will improve safety infrastructure to create secure , livable streets for all road users , especially the City ’ s most vulnerable . Project planning will be a partnership among the City , its community partners , and , most importantly , the people living and working in each affected community .
Develop a Culture of Safety
Engineering and enforcement are crucial strategies must be employed to uphold the rules of the road that keep us safe . Detailed collision data will focus law enforcement and engineering strategies that change the behaviors that cause the deadliest collisions .
Whether walking , bicycling , or driving a vehicle , safety is everyone ’ s responsibility . Educating about safe transportation behavior will help keep everyone safe on our streets . Partnerships with stakeholders such as communitybased organizations , community leaders , and youth will help us spread the word that everyone needs to do their part to achieve Vision Zero .
Adopt New Policy and Legislation to Strengthen Safety
An updated legal framework will strengthen the foundation for reducing traffic fatalities . Vision Zero for Los Angeles will pursue local , state , and federal legislation that strengthens traffic safety policy and gives Los Angeles greater control of street safety .
Respond to Relevant Data
Understanding where and why fatal and severe collisions happen is crucial to Vision Zero . Determining priority streets and corridors allows the City to focus its efforts on reducing injuries and fatalities . Collecting and analyzing all relevant information , beyond the collision data , will improve the City ’ s responsiveness in making changes in communities where they are needed most . Data transparency is also a great way to hold Vision Zero accountable to its commitment to equity and engagement . As the LAPD migrates its traffic-collision reporting to a digital system , the City will explore how to best make this information available to interested parties . The City remains committed to maintaining clear communication about its progress as it works toward zero fatalities .