A few days later , on a very cloudy and cold day Vince mentioned there was a chance of it blowing south west . That could be our only chance to ride that spot during our stay there so we headed to the beach . The wind was really light barely enough to ride but we still gave it a try . Drove the uHaul as close to the cliffs as possible and carried the pipe and legs on knee deep water all the way out there . It was very tricky to secure the pipe on the cliff . It was slippery and we were balancing it with a little rock we found . We went back to the truck and although we could tell it wasn ’ t windy enough I still decided to pump up my 14.5m Vegas and give it a try . To hit a set up like this you want to be powered and able to get more power out of your kite instantly in case anything goes wrong . There were a few puffs of wind and I was riding back and forth approaching the rail but I couldn ’ t get enough speed . I stuck around for quite a while , Craig even pumped his own kite and tried for a bit but there wasn ’ t enough wind for us to feel confident enough to hit it