VISION Issue 49 | Page 40

What do Paarhammer windows and Viridian glazing bring to the equation ? We ’ ve used Paarhammer and Viridian before . The windows take your eyes vertically . That strong element runs through and takes the eye up . One of the things I ’ ve been developing , you might notice , is that whole soffit of that very high second storey , Alfresco , if you like to call it , in the front and back , is black . And the interesting thing about black is that black reflects . And when you get up to the second level and look along the horizontality of it , the black turns to pewter . So it ’ s not overwhelming . It ’ s sort of counter-intuitive , you might think that this sort of heavy blackness would be oppressive . But it isn ’ t . It actually gives you a dimension without feeling oppressive . The window frames had to then be the heavy , black , gutsy frames to talk to it . Because you ’ ll notice that the columns that hold up that external high roof have also got the same sectional impression that the windows give . That ’ s a theme . That ’ s a column theme that runs through the job .
Isn ’ t the task to make it appear as though it was never a task ? I think you ’ ve nailed it . The definition to me of a professional is someone who just makes it look easy . They just happen to know , and for us it ’ s been over 30 years of hard won experience , exactly what to do . That ’ s our job . It ’ s not the job of the person living in it to wrestle with it , or come to grips with it . They pay us to do that . It ’ s a hurdle race of an infinite number of hurdles that we don ’ t want our clients to worry about . We ’ ll get you there . In the meantime , you build and build and build and build . And this is why over a history of working you build your relationships with your associates . And so they all understand how to integrate , so we don ’ t have air-conditioning passing through our beams . We go overboard in documenting because we want to work it out on paper rather than working it out with a jackhammer .