Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 74
Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter
Teachers: Monika Schwarze - Pestalozzi
Gymnasium - Germany, Inara Vasilevska, Tatjana
Vinukurova - Privātā vidusskola "KLASIKA" - Latvia,
Mihaela Gîț - "Jean Monnet” High School-Romania,
Norma Lisa Neiman - IIS "Tommaso Salvini" - Italy,
Maria del Carmen García González - IES Schamann
- Spain, Siegfried Maillard - College les Eyquems -
Participants: 41 students from the 6th and 9th
grades of the "Jean Monnet" High School - 89
students from 6 countries in all.
5 mathematics teachers received the European
Quality Certificate
Considering that art unites us all through beauty,
harmony, and why not, through science, the "Math,
Art and Real Life with GeoGebra" Project wants to
bring all age-old students closer to science through
arts. We also want to create art through science.
The discovery of mathematics in art and in general
in real life, the modelling of real phenomena with
the help of GeoGebra program and the creation of a
collection of materials made by students for
students in an international collaboration are an
objective of this project.
The collaboration between the teachers involved in
the project to create a package of workbooks,
interactive applications, useful games useful to
other classroom teachers has been successful.
The innovative and creative approach to learning is
focused on the observation, discovery, analysis and
modelling of the surrounding reality and especially
of art through mathematics; the use of the
GeoGebra program has made it possible to explain
and model the practical situations encountered in
everyday life. Much of the material was uploaded in
specially created public space-"MathArtRealLife"-of
the GeoGebra platform:; so
students modelled art objects, phenomena of real
life (using geometric figures and their properties,
graphs of I and II grade functions). They have
created applicative problems based on the
knowledge they have learned; they also created
animations, games that highlight scientific
properties and prove their creativity. It was an
exchange of ideas and e-materials useful for
teachers as well.
The use of English in the project has brought added
value to communication with other colleagues from
other countries. Using ICT enabled this information
transfer in various forms: GeogebraBooks, Padlets,
Google Docs, Publishing, Google Slides, e-mail,
Skype, etc.