Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 7

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ contributed to the development of digital skills, teamwork, intercultural learning, relations Planning and implementation of the project activities of teachers and students. Involvement of families in eTwinning projects Two key factors are very important in the teaching- learning process: the teacher, with their training and resources, and the families, with their collaboration and participation. In addition, students are invited to participate in the virtual workspace known as eTwinning virtual space, which makes eTwinning projects spread through the educational community and become a hallmark of each school. Increasingly, and according to our educational practice, we are convinced that involving families in the classroom work increases the motivation and participation of our students in any task we undertake. In our experience, we believe that the involvement of families in the work performed in the classroom is of the utmost importance. The fact that students can see that their parents, grandparents, among others, give importance to the work they do in the classroom, collaborate in carrying out activities and are active part of the school life, reinforces not only the contents worked, but also strengthens the feeling of being an important part of the educative community, favours their involvement and motivation in daily work and, in turn, creates a feeling of positive appreciation of the school, which is no longer seen as separate from other aspects of their lives. If we add to all these factors the work for collaborative projects of a European dimension offered by eTwinning, the result is an educational experience that will undoubtedly leave a mark on our students. Among many other aspects, eTwinning favours the integration and involvement of families through collaborative projects, the internationalization of work in classrooms and, of course, our day-to-day educational practice. Different methodological experiences Several schools work as a learning community. It is a project based on a set of successful educational actions aimed at social and educational transformation. The idea, as a learning community, is to increase the expectations of our students, improving their school performance with the collaboration and participation of their families in the life of the school. One of the activities that help us to improve these goals is the creation of interactive groups. There is common use of this interactivity in many of the eTwinning projects in which many of the schools participate. There are a lot of activities designed within an eTwinning project in which parents are the true architects. A good example of this can be those that are designed to celebrate the carnival, the Day of Peace, Christmas, Easter, etc. School and family must be holding hands. In this sense, it is essential to find the means that promote this cooperation to enable real and effective collaborative work. If we give this collaboration a European scope and open the doors of our homes and classrooms to other homes and schools in Europe, we will also be contributing to the integral development of the student as a European citizen. In the development of eTwinning projects, families are involved through different activities and experiences: voting on certain aspects, workshops, shared readings, artistic activities or even sporting events, such as, for example, a scavenger using QR codes. In addition, families are always informed about the development of the project, so that they can share the whole process with their children at home, reinforcing and further promoting the bond established between the different schools. And, of course, they are an important part of evaluating projects, contributing ideas, suggestions and aspects to improve. In this sense, the involvement of families encompasses suggestions, ideas, support, motivation, collaboration, work, among others, always necessary and constructive for the development of students. An eTwinning project gains a lot when, in addition, it is an “e-familia” project. 7