Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 59
Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter
In order to develop digital, language and
transversal skills we used various innovative
teaching methods like PBL, flipped classroom,
cooperative learning, ICT based learning,
cooperative learning and many others which put
students in the centre of learning.
During the outdoor learning, students had a task to
record a movie with an audio record in English on
the My Town in 10 stops, developing soft skills such
as critical thinking (selecting and studying sights /
people), creativity (filming, text compilation),
communication and teamwork. The Padlet Wall was also applied
for the Oxford Press prize game to promote their
own homeland.
In the Customs and Traditions activities, students
presented a tradition that is important to them and
their families - both the description and the photos
were uploaded to a Padlet wall for their peers to
read and comment. Each of these activities has
been accompanied by interaction on an
international level
City interviews was an activity in which two partner
schools held two LIVE chats. During the first
students met online, and during the second they
conducted structured interviews later used to write
newspaper articles about their partners and their
partner’s cities. The articles were published online
as an eMagazine
For Food as Cultural Heritage activity, students
chose a traditional dish, translated the recipe into
English, and filmed a video preparing food
accompanied by audio recordings or subtitles in
English. Peer students watched the videos,
commented on them and liked their favorites. After
watching the videos, the partners from the partner
school also played Kahoot!
food/27da6c9a-58fd-4afe-ad72-0c70bc0df1a6) - a
quiz about the traditional dishes of Croatia and
Spain (